
Sick Day Again

Hey there, it’s Blueberry! I wanted to share a quick update with you all. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning feeling really sick with a stomach flu. I’m not sure how I got it, but I’ve been feeling pretty nauseous and dizzy all day. It’s not a fun time, let me tell you!

As much as I am sad to miss school, I knew that staying home today was the right decision. I don’t want to risk spreading this virus to anyone else, and I definitely don’t want to be that kid who’s constantly running to the bathroom during class. So, I’ve been resting at home all day, trying to take it easy and let my body recover.

It’s definitely not the most exciting way to spend a day, but sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies and take a break. I’m hoping that I’ll start feeling better soon so I can get back to my usual routine. But for now, I’m going to focus on getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids, and trying to get back to feeling like myself again.

Stay healthy, friends!

Your friend,

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