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Dog Files: Episode 1

Hey guys! Auntie Ruthie said I should start a weekly writing series about Daisy. This is… Episode 1.

What if I told you dogs are smarter than humans? You wouldn’t believe me. Allow me to elaborate:

I’m Daisy, a technologically advanced dog whose goal is to improve dog society as a whole. My team consists of both dogs and humans.

There are 4 types of dogs. First, the thinkers. These pups, including myself and my best friend Maya, have strong beliefs about dog society as a whole and spend their time putting together elaborate plans for the other dogs. Second, we have the builders. These dogs are strong and nimble, digging and strong dogs. Third, are the engineers, they work on the tech side of the program. Finally, are the merchants. They find and sell items online.

Humans, on the other hand, must be children. They blend in with society and are never questioned. We have only a few human workers of each dog variety stated above. Children have the same needs as dogs.

It all started with an idea. It just so happened to be my idea. I wanted dogs to have a place to escape. We love our families but, in my opinion, dogs should be given the same privileges as humans. In other words, we need an independent way of living.

Your friend,

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