
Daisy’s Adoption

I wrote a story a while ago about Daisy’s adoption. Daisy approves this story:

The bars of my kennel in the Olympia rescue clanged loudly as I scratched yet another flea. I was surrounded in my poo in this terrible place. Why was I here? That I didn’t know. A shadow loomed over me. A woman in a red raincoat opened my crate and took me to a chair. I shivered. I hadn’t been out in the open in almost a week! Then I almost leapt out of my fur, not another injection! The human giving me the shot talked to the woman. I couldn’t understand their language! Then the woman in the coat tied a rope around my neck. Was she trying to choke me? I resisted. She told me to come. I started to obey. I had heard other dogs in the rescue follow a person when they said “Come” so I stepped closer the woman. She seemed so happy! I decided I liked her and followed her outside. I then realized that the rope was called a leash. My brother, Swirl, told me when we wandered the streets of Texas. Just then I was picked up and put in a giant crate! It had wheels and was silvery. I had been in one of these before on my way from Texas. The woman got in too. We squiggled around for a long time in that crate on wheels I can tell you! Finally we stopped.
We were under the awning of a large house. Where a tall man was holding a silver box on the porch. A girl came out of the house. She had long brown hair, dark brown eyes and was wearing red and black pajamas. She said one word. “Mom!” The woman, mom, said something to the little girl. The girl came over to me peeked in the window and started crying! I looked down, was my fur offensive? She started say a whole mumble jumble to Mom and that man. It sounded like “Chew Toy Me Bone Cute Puppy Crate Cute Me?” But those were the only words I knew so it might not have been that accurate. I was taken out of that big crate on wheels and to a nice grassy area. I had never seen green grass! In Texas there was no grass as green as this. I decided to express my gratitude by jumping on the people and saying “Yes I know! I am Cute! Thank you! I love you guys!” Then I managed to kiss the girl on the lips and we played outside for a while longer.
Later that day, I had learned this:
The man’s name was Daddy and the girl’s name was Blueberry Muffin or something like that.
My name is Annie, Anne, Annine, Taffy, Toffy or something. I was going to get renamed and I was excited for that. At the end of the day I was called Miss Daisy Ladybug. I love my name. It reminds me of the green grass that I rolled on the first day I met my Family.

Your friend,

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