Sneak Peak: One-Way Road

Hey guys! I’m so excited to announce that my newest album Pathways, is fully written! The next step: recording. You may have heard my song, “If You Knew Me”, on SoundCloud. I recorded it over Thanksgiving break, so the recording quality is terrible, but hopefully you can hear the heart behind the song. But enough about old songs, let’s talk about the latest:

“One-Way Road” is a really upbeat, summery song about getting lost. I wrote this song in the car on the way home from my friend’s soccer game, of all things! We were in the car, and randomly decided to write a song. It happens when you are in the car for 3 hours! Well, we ended up getting on the wrong freeway. Which seemed impossible, because when you drive on the freeway, you can’t magically jump to a different one… I don’t think. But while we thought we were going Northeast, we were headed South. We were only a few hours from Mexico!

We did end up getting on the right freeway and made it home safely, but the journey that was supposed to take 6 hours took 10. Well, that gave us plenty of time to spitball ideas. While I loved what we had written, I wanted to make some changes, to the chorus and the beat of the song. So, from the ashes of “Middle of Nowhere”, I give you, “One-Way Road”.