Dog Files: Episode 4

My eyes glazing over from Zoom.

I’m honesty so sick of Zoom school right now… But you know what? It’s dog files day! So why am I complaining?

We started in the front room of the house during daycare. Bella dug a tunnel out of the backyard. We took out everything. Pictures, a home phone, carpet, beds, and rugs, with the help of a large window big enough to easily dispose of stuff. Maya made a note of several things she could use to “conventionalize” the house.

When the first room was sufficiently empty, we went back to daycare, too tired to play anymore.

Maya: That place is a mess!

Me: I think we need a human.

Maya: Who?

Me: How about my girl?

Maya: Blueberry?

Me: Yes. She loves animals, and she would help us.

Maya began to write a note. We don’t have opposable thumbs, so writing was difficult, but we aren’t afraid of using our mouths for everything.

Me: What does that say?

Maya: Hi Blueberry, it’s Daisy. Please help. Follow me.

Me: And then what?

Maya: You lead her to the house.

That evening, I dropped the letter at Blueberry’s feet. She picked it up, read it, and started speaking human. I led her to the garage, ignoring her noises, and nudged her bike with my nose. Then, I started running out the open garage door, leading her around the block to the old house, which we called Scruffy’s Inn.

Your friend,

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