
Horrible Writing from a Long Time Ago!

I apologize in advance for what you are going to read next. I wrote this because… well I don’t know. I was obsessed with the game Stardew Valley, so… Introducing… My Stardew Story.

I’m Blueberry, A successful farmer in Stardew Valley. I wasn’t always this good I used to be a novice with a dead plant. Let me give you a general Idea. Imagine, you are a young girl living in a regular modern house and have never worn plaid and named after a fruit. This little girl was me. Then one day, the last day of winter, I received a letter. Now flash forward one day…

Spring 1

I looked down at my new clothes, they were plaid, VERY PLAID. I looked like a FARMER. I knew I was supposed to look like a farmer, I am one, but still, I looked like a tablecloth. My brown hair was flat and up, it looked unnatural. No one else on the bus seemed to notice, if I do say, they looked plaid too. I double-checked the letter just to make sure that I had everything.

Dear Blueberry,
We need a farmer to take care of a long-forgotten farm. We are looking for someone who has never farmed before. They are usually more open to suggestions. Hopefully, you are a quick learner.

You will need:
-Plaid Clothes
The rest will be supplied.

You might be shocked to see how bitter some folks here are, but we promise, they will be kindhearted in time. Beware of JojaCorp though. They are run by a man, Morris who is not on the best of terms with anyone. Please help save this farm, I have found a note with a wish that I must fulfill:

I need help, I need to have this farm repaired. It belonged to my grandfather, but now, I’m moving far away, I need to keep my farm safe.
Bluemeadow Farm, Stardew Valley

Now you see, this is important to someone, and we chose you to own this farm, free of charge.
~ Lewis

The bus slowed, it was my stop, Stardew Valley. Getting off the bus I looked around. The land was plaid. Well, not plaid but all of the rows of corn, parsnips, and paths made it look just like my ugly shirt. Farmers were scurrying about picking ripe food on their farms.

Some other plaid people came out of the bus and we walked the long rocky paths to our separate farmhouses. It was hot and I was sweating. Must have been all the plaid. I walked up to a big log cabin. Inside was a TV, bed, and fake houseplant. The key was inside so I picked it up and put it on my keyring. The TV buzzed to life.

“Hello, new farmers! Welcome to your new farmhouse. There are twelve of you in total. This is your TV. All of the houses have one room, but you can build more later. See you all tonight in the Farmer’s Café!”

I needed more in my house. I decided to go into town. It is called Pelican Town. A strange name for a prairie town with no pelicans but… No comment. That was a comment. I walked past dusty streets until I reached the busier city. A man was sitting on a bench handing out stuff. I asked him what he was doing.

“I’m Mayor, Mayor Lewis. You must be Blueberry. Here is your stuff.”

He handed me an Ax, Pickax, Hoe, Watering can, Scythe, and 15 parsnip seeds. I saw a middle-aged man with a red tie glaring at me. When I caught his eye he snorted and looked away. I turned back to Mayor Lewis. I thanked him and decided to go back home. I started clearing land.

In the end, I had a lot of land with only 15 crops growing.

It was late evening now, time to meet the farmers at the Restaurant. I was dressed in my blue dress, the fanciest one I had. On my way down the road, I found a leek and ate it. I hadn’t eaten ALL DAY. By the time I had reached the Saloon, most of the town was gathered. I found a seat at an eight-seat table. Just then Mayor Lewis called out. “I want you to all welcome the new farmers. There is one seated at every table! Now, Everybody Introduce yourself.” I learned about Alex, Harvey, Leah, Penny, Jas, Robin, and Pierre. They learned about me. I ordered a Cheese Pizza and salad. The food was AMAZING. I was glad to be here. And I now lived in Stardew Valley!

Spring 2

The next morning I heard a knock on my door. It was early, a strange time for someone to meet me. I peered out the window. It was Marnie! I opened the door. The cutest little puppy sat on the steps with Marnie! “This is Dazers, the town’s stray dog,” Marnie said. I booped the little pup on the nose. She licked my hand. “So, ” Marnie said, “Can you keep her?” I looked at the puppy. She did not hesitate to come barging into my house and jump on the bed to fall asleep. I turned back to Marnie. “I don’t think…” But she was gone.

I looked at Dazers sleeping on the bed. I sighed. It was only my second day of farming and now I had another mouth to feed.

Spring 3

The next day, it rained. I took my new puppy with me to town. I headed up the path to the carpenter. Robin popped her head out of the door. She popped it back in. She turned the sign on her door around. Closed. Ugh. I turned right around, Dazers at my heels, and I headed back to the town square. I saw a sign posted on Pierre’s.

Farmer’s Festival.
Contests, Games, Shows!
Spring 10-17
All contestants admitted.
Sponsored by JOJACORP

I was curious. Maybe this would be fun? I looked at Dazers. She wagged her damp tail. I shrugged. What could I lose? I re-read it. JojaCorp…

Just then Mayor Lewis burst out of his house holding the same flyer. He ran right over to me. I jumped. “Blueberry, this would be PERFECT! If you enter, you compete for us! This could be just what the town needs!” He said.
“Sir, I, JojaCorp–” “AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Dazers Howled. And that was yet another discussion ended.

Spring 10

A week later the festival began. Villagers had flags that said, “Go Blueberry!” What have I mentioned? Mayor Lewis told EVERYBODY, that I was competing for the town. I got onto the horse they gave me to ride safely to the main event. Vincent and Jas, the two little kids, waved from the wagon they were riding in. When I arrived, I was pounded with instructions, “Go this way, do this do that, No not that, do this, wait go here first.” In the end, I was standing over a mound of dirt with a dead plant in it. I poured a liquid that might have been either watery Jell-O or goopy water. It was time for the judging. I stood tense looking down at my dead plant. I had no clue what the contest was for, but I knew one thing if they were looking for the deadest plant I would come in first. I glanced at the girl next to me. She had perfect brown hair, an unwrinkled blue dress, and a PERFECT plant. Her water was smooth and the dirt didn’t even look dirty! She looked at me & my dead plant smugly.
“I’m gonna win of course” She bragged.
I forced a smile. My attention snapped back to the judges.

“Here are the rankings from first to last! One is Miss…” I held my breath “Blue…” I smiled. “Bird!” I saw the girl next to me fan herself with her hand and flip her hair over her shoulder. She giggled right in my face. I frowned, but then told myself that I probably came in second. After about one hundred names I heard mine. “And in 104th place… is Miss Blueberry! And that’s all folks! Thank you! Bye!” What? I didn’t come in first second third… Or anything! I came in DEAD LAST. I cried. Mayor Lewis would be so disappointed. I walked back to my horse. The smug girl walked up too. “Please get away from my horse.” She said rudely. “I’m Bluebird. So I get your horse. This is now MY horse.” I did a very unladylike thing just then. I shoved that Miss Bluebird and went off with MY Horse. We swerved around and galloped to town. In the distance, Bluebird shouted, “That’s MY Horse! You’re just a dirty FARMER!!!” I kept on crying until I reached town. I pulled my shirt collar up over my face to avoid being seen. Instead, I heard people screaming, “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH the headless horseman!!!” I popped my head up and jumped off the horse. I lead the horse back to my farm, trying not to cause a scene. But I was worried I would.

Spring 11

The next morning, I was in the news. I would rather not tell, what they said about me. Let’s just assume, that I did cause a scene and Miss Bluebird caused one too, because that morning, a crowd arrived at my door. It might have knocked 1,000 times, but I did not answer. Amid that chaos, a foot arrived down the chimney. I looked at it. Could it be Santa? No, it was Spring! A basket dropped down, putting out the fire. In it was a note.

Dear Young Farmer,

We have reason to assume that you need help. If you are wondering how we know this do not ask, We have our sources. One thing we do know is that there is reason to believe that the next town over, is trying to make Pelican Town look bad. It is run by JojaCorp which is run by MORRIS. JojaCorp is the biggest company in this valley. It is less of a town and more of a big business center. They have hired a young girl, under the name of bluebird, to cheat in the Farmer’s Festival, which takes place between now and next week. Her plant is a fake, for Joja Town ran the festival. All of the Farmers got gelatin in their water and a dead plant. Bluebird ruined it all. If pelican town looks bad, Lewis will be compelled to sell land to Joja. If you want help in any way, join us. We are a group of villagers who will not reveal ourselves unless you join us!
The Secret Villager Association.
P.S. If you do not choose to join us, we will drop rotten tomatoes down your chimney at precisely 3 o clock every day.
P.P.S. If your dog tells any of her dog friends about us, we will pour out her water dish down your chimney every day at precisely 4 o clock.
P.P.P.S. Let’s make this clear, if you do anything against us, there will be something gross down your chimney, understand? Thanks!
Warm Regards again,
The Secret Villager Association again.

I looked at the note. I certainly did not want anything down my chimney!!! I turned the paper over and wrote YES in big bold letters. I threw it up the chimney.

That evening, I heard a knock at my door. The crowd had left a while later after hearing about a deal at the General Store. I peeked through the peephole. There was a group of people of all sizes wearing big black coats and hats. I heard scratching. A paper slid under the door.

LET US IN. – Secret Villagers

I opened the door just a crack.
“Blueberry!” The crowd cheered. I had to take a step back as the group barreled into the door. The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a crowd of hungry people in black uniforms. I was wearing one too. It was WAY better than that itchy PLAID. Have I mentioned it? I’m not a big fan of plaid. It is SO UGLY!!!

Just then, someone came into my house. Someone, not a secret villager, someone not smiling, someone not good. He was wearing a dark suit and a BIG red tie. He wore glasses on his big lumpy nose. He had black hair slicked back.

MORRIS! So that was the man I had seen earlier!
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Morris snarled. He laughed an EVIL laugh.
A person from the secret villagers stepped up. They took off the scarf and sunglasses. To my surprise it was Marnie.
“It’s the evening dance party, did you hear?” She asked nervously.
“Ha, like a little ranch girl could tell such LIES.” He sneered. He grabbed Marnie’s arm.
“You better not touch Aunt Marnie!” A little voice shouted from the crowd. I whirled around. It was Jas! She was Marnie’s Niece. She was only 6! “You will regret it.” A little boy took off his glasses too. Vincent! Slowly, their tutor Penny took off her uniform. She was insanely shy. What could she do? “You better get away from Marnie RIGHT NOW.” She growled baring her teeth like a wolf. Jas & Vincent rammed into that Morris. They managed to knock into his chest. Morris panted rapidly. Penny EXPLODED. “DO YOU HEAR ME? GET AWAY FROM MARNIE RIGHT NOW!” Morris swaggered back still grabbing Marnie’s arm. One by one the crowd took off their uniforms. I stepped up. I whispered something in Marnie’s ear. Slowly she nodded. I made a screaming face at the crowd. Everybody shouted. Pelican town was going to defeat JOJA!!! We surrounded Morris. He was cornered. Marlon drew his sword. Morris shrieked and ran out the open door leaving Marnie on my doorstep. The crowd cheered again!
Spring 12

The next day, I got a special call from Mayor Lewis.
“JojaCorp is gone! Good job!” He said. “Now I have more calls to make so bye!” He hung up. The door flew open. It was MISS BLUEBIRD!!! She had a sour look on her face. “Fine, I’m sorry, I cheated for the money. Morris is my uncle, and I wanted his Money!!!” She burst into tears. “So now, I work with Penny to tutor the town children, and there is going to be ANOTHER farming competition…” I smiled. “Nice!” Just then Miss Bluebird yanked off her brown hair! It was nothing but a wig! Out popped a huge ponytail of black hair and the biggest red hair bow I ever saw. “And my name is… Cherry.” Cherry… That’s a nice name. It’s a fruit, just like mine! “Sorry,” Cherry said and ran out the door.

Spring 13

I put on my best outfit. It WAS kind of plaid… I’m getting used to it now. No more goopy water for me! I took my watering can and filled it in my well. I chose my seeds and fertilizer from the shed. I placed them in a bag and made my way to town. I waved to all of the villagers, even Cherry. Mayor Lewis called for the contest to begin. I scooped some soil into a nice pot, mixed in my fertilizer, and placed my blueberry seeds an inch below the top. I took my freshwater a poured it onto the plant. Then I felt total déjà vu, as mayor Lewis made the announcement.

“Here are the rankings from first to last! One is Miss…” I held my breath again “Blue…” I smiled again. “Berry!” I grinned as the crowd around me went wild. “In second place is Miss Cherry.” Go, Cherry! She competed fair and square! Good job Cherry. After all of the announcements except one, I wondered who was the worst farmer. It seemed that all of the towns had been listed. “And in 104th place is Mr. Morris Joja.” I laughed. Too bad Morris, I guess farming isn’t your talent. As the crowd giggled, I smiled, If I know one thing, I may just be a plaid farmer, But I can call myself one now.


Your friend,

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