
AI? Really?

Okay, so what is going on with school? Apparently, this AI system called ChatGPT is controlling the way we do our schoolwork. Reason: It’s generating essays for us. If you write to it “Write me a story about me and Daisy,” you will get something like this:

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Blueberry who loved her dog Daisy more than anything in the world. Daisy was a mutt with golden fur and a white stripe down her face. She was obsessed with a blue squeaky ball and would never go anywhere without it.

One day, Blueberry and Daisy went on a walk in the park and came across a magical tree. As they approached, the tree began to glow and a voice spoke to them.

“I am the magical tree, and I can grant your deepest wish,” said the tree.

Without hesitation, Blueberry wished for her and Daisy to switch lives for a day. The tree granted her wish and Blueberry woke up the next morning as Daisy. She was ecstatic to experience the world through her dog’s eyes.

Daisy, now in Blueberry’s body, went to school with her friends and had a blast. She loved how everyone was so nice to her and how she could eat whatever she wanted. Blueberry, now in Daisy’s body, spent the day playing fetch, going for walks and cuddling with her family.


At the end of the day, they both returned to the magical tree, who granted their wish to switch back. From then on, Blueberry and Daisy appreciated each other’s lives and their bond grew even stronger. They promised to always have each other’s back, no matter what. The end.

And this… is why one day the world will be taken over by robots, people won’t think for themselves, and basically, we’re doomed.

Your friend,

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